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Camponotus pennsylvanicus
ANTS (Formicidae)

This large, all-black ant grows to 1/2 inch or 12 mm long. Its antennae are elbowed and its abdomen has long gray or yellow hairs (C). These ants live in excavated dead wood. They feed on other insects and honeydew from aphids. In return they protect the aphids from their predators. Mature colonies produce winged males and queens during the summer, but mature colonies only have one queen, identified by its very large abdomen (not shown).

These are the ants most often seen in our two nature centers, usually on the floodplains where colonies of aphids are found on milkweed and other flowering plants.

Contrary to what some believe, these ants do not eat wood, but they excavate tunnels and nests where they raise their larvae, often causing considerable damage to wooden homes.

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