This native annual grows up to 5 feet tall. Stems usually have at least some spreading white hairs (C). Leaves are lance-shaped with toothed margins and may be stalkless but never clasp the stem(C). Numerous flower heads on branching stems consist of up to 100 tightly packed ray florets (petals) surrounding the yellow disk florets (A,B). See comments for comparison with our other similar Erigeron species, Philadelphia (E. philadelphicus) and Daisy Fleabane (E. strigosus).
Common in disturbed areas including open woodlands, edges and roadsides. Flowers occur from late May through September, sometimes as late as October.
Closely related species, Philadelphia Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus), has clasping leaves and prefers moister, shadier woodland sites. When present, the pinkish ray florets are a helpful field mark. Daisy Fleabane (Erigeron strigosus) has narrower, strap-like leaves that are not toothed and the stem has closely appressed hairs, quite different from the spreading hairs of Annual Fleabane (E. annuus).