Symphyotrichum sagittifolium

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This aster is a native perennial. The smooth stems can be up to 6 feet tall, but most of our plants are much shorter due to browsing by deer. The lower leaves are up to 4 inhes long, toothed and heart or oval-shaped (A). The upper leaves are usually smaller. The flowers are in elongated clusters at the top of the plant. The 10-20 lavender or whitish ray florets surround a yellowish central disk (B). Identify this aster by large, heart-shaped leaves, lavender ray florets and its occurrence in upland forests. For other comments on the difficulty of identifying asters, see description for Panicled Aster (Aster simplex).

Grows in upland forests, flowering from July through September. In Fontenelle Forest, uncommon, for instance along Hawthorn Trail. At Neale Woods, uncommon along Paw Paw Trail.

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