Augochlorella sp.

This little sweat bee is about .50 inch in length. It is entirely metallic green. The antennae and eyes are black. The legs are black with yellowish hairs. The wings are a smoky brown. The bees in this genus are separated from the very similar Augochlora bees by the lighter green color and the reddish color of the tegula, a small node above the base of the costal vein. There are 7 species in the genus Augochlorella in North America and they are very difficult to identify to species in the field. This bee was identified to genus by a volunteer expert at the BugGuide website.

The frequency of occurrence is not known. The individual shown here was photographed in Fontenelle Forest in early July. The adults fly from May to October.

Bees in this genus nest in vertical burrows in the ground. The larvae develop on pollen carried to the nest on special structures (pollen baskets) located on the hind legs.

The content of NatureSearch is provided by dedicated volunteer Naturalists of Fontenelle Forest who strive to provide the most accurate information available. Contributors of the images retain their copyrights. The point of contact for this page is: Babs Padelford.