Philanthus gibbosus

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This wasp is approximately 1/2 inch or 13 mm in length. It is black with yellow markings. The head is large and blocky. The thorax has a yellow collar and 2 yellow lines dorsally. The abdomen has a thick yellow band on segment one, followed by 3 thinner bands lower on the abdomen. The femurs are dark brown and the tibias and tarsii are yellow. The wings are brown.

The frequency of occurrence of this wasp is not known. The photos shown here were taken in July and late September in Fontenelle Forest. Adults can be seen nectaring on flowers.

This wasp is in the subfamily Philanthinae, Bee Wolves, whose members prey on bees. Females excavate long burrows in the soil for nest sites. The female provisions the nest with bees, especially large female sweat bees.

The content of NatureSearch is provided by dedicated volunteer Naturalists of Fontenelle Forest who strive to provide the most accurate information available. Contributors of the images retain their copyrights. The point of contact for this page is: Loren Padelford.