Bidens cernua

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This native annual usually grows to 1-3 feet, but sometimes up to 6 feet tall. The erect or reclining stems root where they touch moist ground. The leaves are lance-shaped; they clasp the stems (B,C). The flowers, up to 2 inches across, consist of bright yellow petal-like ray florets surrounding a yellow and black-speckled disk (A). Identified by its large yellow flowers and the clasping leaves.




Found in and along creeks and wet ditches, flowering in August and September. In Fontenelle Forest, common along the Missouri River at the end of Child’s Hollow Trail. At Neale Woods, uncommon in the disturbed area around the pond in Jonas Valley.

After the massive flood of the flood plain along the Missouri in 2011, this species was found flowering in abundance in Fontenelle Forest in late October in sandy, dryer soil (D-F).

The flower heads nod when mature. The dark brown seeds have long spines which stick to animal fur and clothing. Hence the other common name, Nodding Beggar-Ticks.

The content of NatureSearch is provided by dedicated volunteer Naturalists of Fontenelle Forest who strive to provide the most accurate information available. Contributors of the images retain their copyrights. The point of contact for this page is: Roland Barth.