Hyptia sp.


  • Fast moving tiny black wasp
  • Looks a bit like a fly
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This tiny black wasp is about 1/4 inch long. It has a small oval flag-like abdomen and very large hind legs. The abdomen is attached to the thorax by a slender petiole and is carried almost like a flag (hence the name).

These wasps are probably common but their very small size makes them easy to overlook. They can be found in and around buildings because their host, roaches are found around human dwellings.

There are four genera with eleven species in North America. As far as is known, the larvae of Ensign Wasps are predatory on the eggs of cockroaches. Good host data is known for only a small number of wasps in this family so there may be some that are parasites of other insect eggs. The adults take nectar from flowers.

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