This small understory tree has a trunk up to 9 inches in diameter. The bark has distinctively long, narrow and scaly ridges (B). The lance-shaped leaves are sharply toothed (A). The male catkins and a single female flower, about 1/2 inch long, are on the same twig (D,E). The fruit is a papery cone, resembling hops (F). The dried, papery leaves may be seen on the tree throughout winter, or until bundles of small male catkins appear at the ends of the twigs (G,H,I). A few weeks into spring the catkins start elongating (J).
Grows as an understory tree in the uplands, flowering in April and May. In Fontenelle Forest, common, for instance on Hackberry Trail. At Neale Woods, common along Fox Trail.
Also known as Hop-Hornbeam.
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