Microcentrus caryae
TREEHOPPERS (Membracidae)


  • Light brown camouflaged treehopper.
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This treehopper is about .25 inch (6mm) long. It is highly camouflaged pale brown with small brown dots, and darker brown markings on the outer margin. Members of the Microcentrus genus are different from other Membracidae because their pronotal shields are significantly shorter.


The frequency of occurrence in this area is not known. The individual shown here was photographed in Fontenelle Forest in early November 2014 on a Bur Oak. They can be found from Aug – Nov.  They range throughout eastern North America


Microcentrus caryae is found on hickory, oak and other trees. Many treehoppers have mutualistic relationships with ants where the ants fend off predators, but this species is not tended by ants. Fall breeding may make this species less vulnerable to predators which are more common in spring and summer. There are 2 species in the genus Microcentrus in North America.


Disclaimer: The content of NatureSearch is provided by dedicated volunteer Naturalists of Fontenelle Forest who strive to provide the most accurate information available. Contributors of the images retain their copyrights. The point of contact for this page is: Babs Padelford.