Verbena urticifolia
VERBENA FAMILY (Verbenaceae)


  • Flowering time - July, August, September
  • Common on roadsides, woodland edges and openings
  • Tall, "weedy" plant with many branches
  • Branches have a few tiny white flowers a bit back from the tip
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This native perennial weed grows from 3-6 feet tall. The four-sided stem holds opposite, lance-shaped leaves with coarse teeth (A). Small white tubular flowers with 5 petals (B) grow a few at a time near the tip of long spikes arising from the end of the main stem and leaf axils (C). New flowers are formed near the tips of the spike all summer long; at the same time, fruits develop below becoming more widely spaced as the elongating stalk matures.

Common along roadsides, woodland edges and open places in the woods at both Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods, flowering from July through September.

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