Hypoprepia fucosa

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This moth has a wingspan of about an inch. It is brightly colored, with dark gray stripes on orange and red. As indicated by its name, the larvae of this species feed on lichens, as well as on algae and mosses.


The abundance of this moth is not yet known, but we suspect they are quite common at our two nature centers. The adults of this moth are nocturnal and they come to light. They may be seen from May through August, and they overwinter as larvae.


The female lays up to 1500 eggs in a mass under a leaf of the host plant and covers them with hairs from her abdomen. Adults emerge in spring and are nocturnal. The larva uses over 100 secies of trees including ash, hickory, maple, oak and walnut. Infestations have little impact to the host because the damage occurs near the end of the growing season. The species overwinters as a pupa.


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