This high-climbing native vine has variable but often heart-shaped leaf blades up to 6 inches long (B). It competes with other vines to drape over shrubs and trees (A). The mature vine, up to 4 inches thick, resembles a small tree trunk (E). The small greenish flowers are found in clusters (cymes) (C). The fruit is a round berry, which turns from orange-pink to turquoise-blue (D). The similar River-Bank Grape (Vitis riparia) flowers and climbs over the same host plants somewhat earlier in spring. It has purple grapes and its mature vines have a shaggy bark.
Grows mainly in floodplain woods, especially near water, flowering in June and July. In Fontenelle Forest, locally common along Camp Gifford Road. At Neale Woods, uncommon on River Loop Trail. Also known as Raccoon Grape and Heart-Leaved Peppervine.
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