Neotibicen pruinosus

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This cicada is about 1 3/4 inches long. It’s green and brown coloration is accented by two white spots on top, and a white “comma” on each side (A,B). This specimen was identified with the help of Bill Reynolds, a volunteer expert at BugGuide.


This cicada is common in Fontenelle Forest and Neale Woods and can be heard calling during the late summer and early fall months. It would most likely be seen and heard between July and September. Images B&C were taken of the same individual in Fontenelle Forest on the 4th of September.


Photo D shows a recently emerged Scissor Grinder (aka Silver-bellied) Cicada, taken at Neale Woods on 3 July 2015.


Disclaimer: The content of NatureSearch is provided by dedicated volunteer Naturalists of Fontenelle Forest who strive to provide the most accurate information available. Contributors of the images retain their copyrights. The point of contact for this page is: Loren Padelford.