This native perennial grows as a fleshy plant up to 8 inches tall. Two succulent, elliptic leaves clasp the stem at ground level (A). A cluster (raceme) of 2-8 flowers with smaller lance-shaped, leaf-like bracts rise on this stem between the two leaves. The large, lower lip of the flower is white; petals and sepals unite to form a lavender or purplish hood (B, C). This rare orchid is identified by its unique off-white flower cluster.
Found in moist woodlands such as immature (early successional) forest hilltops, and on floodplains at the base of the uplands. Flowers in May and June. Common just a few years ago, now rapidly declining, especially during dry years. In Fontenelle Forest, rare at entrance to Handsome Hollow. At Neale Woods, rare at several locations, one is near the Ranger house on Krimlofski Tract.
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