Asclepias incarnata
MILKWEED FAMILY (Asclepiadaceae)

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This native perennial grows up to 5 feet tall in or near water. The long lance-shaped and pointed leaves are opposite on erect stems and branches (A). The unusual rose and white flowers are arranged in domed clusters at the ends of the stems and branches (B,C). The erect seed pods are spindle-shaped (D). Differentiated from the other milkweeds by its long, lance-shaped leaves, the domed flower clusters and thin spindle-shaped pods.

Grows in or near water on the floodplain, flowering in July and August. In Fontenelle Forest, uncommon at the entrance to Handsome Hollow and near the observation blind. At Neal Woods, common in wetland restoration in Jonas Valley.

Other common names include Rose Silk-Weed.


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