Lygus lineolaris


  • Small brown bug with prominent light-colored spots in the wings.
  • Small brown bug with "Y" shaped mark behind thorax.
Click on each photo thumbnail to enlarge.

A small bug, about 1/4 inch (4-5 mm) long.  The adult bug has a prominent “Y” shape on the scutellum (right behind the thorax).  The elytra are dark brown to light brown and there is a yellow/cream colored spot at the distal end of the elytra.  Legs are banded dark brown and light brown.  Antennae are black.  Eyes are brown to reddish brown.


This is the most common plant bug in the U.S. and is found throughout North America. It is active from March through November. It overwinters as an adult. Females lay eggs in plant tissue in spring and the eggs hatch in 10-21 days. Nymphs develop through 5 instars in 3 weeks. Summer life cycle from egg to adult is 4 weeks. There are three generations per year.


Nymphs and adults feed on cotton, soybeans and more than 50 other crops plus commercially grown flowers, fruit trees, forest tree nurseries and weeds. The nymph is yellowish-green with four black spots on the back.


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