This crane fly is approximately 3/4 inch (20 mm) in length. It is overall a tan color. The head is small with red eyes. The antennae are rather thick and brown. It has very long tan-colored legs. The wings are a clear tan with dark brown on the leading edge and dark brown veins. This crane fly is in the subgenus Yamatotipula most of whose members have dark longitudinal stripes in the wings.
The frequency of occurrence of this fly is unknown. The individual shown here was photographed in Fontenelle Forest along North Stream trail in late August.
Crane flies may be mistaken for giant mosquitoes, however, they are harmless and do not bite. They can also be mistaken for Hanging Flies which have four wings instead of two. Tipula is a large genus with over 470 species in North America.
Disclaimer: The content of NatureSearch is provided by dedicated volunteer Naturalists of Fontenelle Forest who strive to provide the most accurate information available. Contributors of the images retain their copyrights. The point of contact for this page is: Loren Padelford.