Chelone glabra
FIGWORT FAMILY (Scophulariaceae)


  • Flowering time - August, September, October
  • Planted in the garden in front of FF visitors center
  • Two-lipped flower resembling a turtle's head
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This non-native, perennial species has variable flower colors, from pure white to tinged pink. Its flowers are shaped somewhat like a turtle’s head, therefore the common name. The leaves are opposite on the square stem and lance-shaped. Plants are usually 2-3 feet tall, except when they compete with other sun-loving plants. Clusters of flowers grow from the leaf axils and a terminal spike, opening from the bottom up.

This species is a local favorite, planted along the shores of ponds. It is native to areas to the south and east but does not occur in the wild at either Fontenelle Forest or Neale Woods.  It can be found in the garden just outside the Visitors Center of Fontenelle Forest where it was planted.  Plants flower from August through October.

The content of NatureSearch is provided by dedicated volunteer Naturalists of Fontenelle Forest who strive to provide the most accurate information available. Contributors of the images retain their copyrights. The point of contact for this page is: Roland Barth.