Tropisternus lateralis

This beetle is usually smooth, black and shiny sometimes brown or even yellow. They are up to about 1 inches long and have short clubbed antennae and long maxillary palps. The body is oval or elliptical convex above and flat below. Many have a spine-like keel on their abdomen.


Larva and adults are usually aquatic or semi aquatic although some live in fresh mammal dung., humus rich soil or decaying leaves. The aquatic species live in quiet pools, quiet areas of lakes or streams with an abundance of vegetation. This photo was taken from a beetle caught in the pond near the wetlands learning center.


Most adults come up for air head first and break the film with their antennae. Predaceous diving beetles on the other hand come up for air tail first. Beetles in this family swim with alternate strokes of their hind limbs The adults are usually plant eaters but will sometimes eat dead animal tissue. The larva are carnivorous and cannibalistic.


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