Wild Indigo Duskywing

Wild Indigo Duskywing

Erynnis baptisiae
SKIPPER FAMILY (Hesperiidae)

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This duskywing has a wingspan of approximately 1 to 1 5/8 inches. Dorsally, it is brown with darker brown markings on the inner forewing and prominent light tan-colored markings towards the tip. The hindwing is brown with indistinct tan markings towards the edge. Ventrally, it is similar to the dorsal side with fainter markings. The markings are variable. The mature caterpillar is approximately 1 inch in length. It is hairy, light green with white specks and has a red, yellow or orange patterned head.


This is an uncommon butterfly in Fontenelle Forest. It is seen annually in the Forest in late summer, and it should also be present in the prairies at Neale Woods.


The Wild Indigo Duskywing is similar to Horace’s Duskywing which is usually more plain brown dorsally. Juvenal’s Duskywing is larger and only flies in the spring. The young orange-white caterpillar overwinters. Host plants are wild indigos and crown vetch.


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